The “Best” horror movie in the century.
“The best horror movie in the century”,“creepiest”, “scariest”, lots of nomination had been given to this movie; it has deeply attracted my curiosity about this movie. Since last time I was wondering, is it tht good? Cause I knw this movie actually already released 3 episodes in the 80s and I wanted to watch long ago. It so happen now they are releasing the beginning part. So I take for granted, watch the beginning, understand roughly what is it all about thn I can just watch the 3 following episodes which already released. Seriously, I really put a high expectation for this movie, cz I really like horror movie or ghost movie.
Watchin this type is better to choose watchin in midnite, cool~! Although nowadays no matter what movie I also prefer watchin midnite. Haha~ funy thing is I was so excited tht afta I fetched alice, she told me tht our movie is 1225 am while I fetched her tht time is 1130pm,g0sh~! Anyway, we managed spent our time wisely, keke~
I’ve never tried b4 went in cinema 15 minutes earlier. Luckily got some cool trailers, or else I will bore to dead in there. Finally movie starts!! I totally 100% concentrate watch tht movie, cz I knw my English sucks, have to pay extra concentrations to get to understand what is really all about.
After almost two hours of watchin..erm..i duno what to say, duno wat to think, duno wat to do and duno wat is the movie is all about. Really really big upset and disappointment in this movie, really regretted not to listen alice said, we should watch ladder 49. agh~!! mad case!! Anyway, is a bit unfair to mention wat movie is it in here, cz different ppl got different thought about this movie. So, I desperate hopes tht my nx movie will be nice~ =) .. Como’n!! wenping!!! Lift UP ya Spirits!!! Dun let a movie let you down!!! Hahaha~~
Before I end this, I heard what my mate, damian said, this beginning is the “scariest” compare to the 3 following episodes. Erm…….well, thz to him for telling me, if like tht,I rather buy mickey mouse’s dvd n watch. Hahah~

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