the jacket

A military veteran returns to his native Vermont suffering from bouts of amnesia. When he is accused of murder and lands in an asylum, a well-meaning doctor puts him on a heavy course of experimental drugs, restrains him in a jacket-like device, and locks him away in a body drawer of the basement morgue. The process sends him on a journey into the future, where he can foresee his death (but not who did it or how) in four day's time. Now the only question that matters is: can the woman he meets in the future save him?
wenping's rate: 4/5
wenping's review: finally i got de chance to c oscar winner adrien brody performance in big screen, his award winning movie, the pianist..although i knw this is his award winning bovie but i still haven;t got the chance to watch althught i wanted to..the jacket...for me...he had performed a best actor peformance, u can really feel his fear whn he's tied up in the jacket n locked in the worth a watch for eveyone..but it's quite confusing story..u havta pay attention ffrm de beginning til the end..u onli realise what is all abut behind the story..this is a quite uniq material of a thriller abd drama bout ppl can go through the future and investigate the death of himself..

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