
Happy birthday ~!! Happy birthday ~!!
Yeah~my onli 3 present tht I got for my birthday..but it’s certainly the best…especially the cap~!! Fit n just nice for my head size~!! Like it de most~!! And my new boots n a pair of walking shoes!!! Can’t wait to wear thm~!! Lastly…my present frm my brothers…NeO~!! Really really appreaciate it ~! Thz to u all..
Hmm…although my 23rd yrs old birthday not celebrated as I used to last few yrs..although last few yrs I oso tak de celebrate much..but this year can be said is worst but oso can be say I spent de most time for my birthday..keke..cz I whole nite no slept at 12am tht day..rushing my assign..thn rush to kolej meet my supervisor and class..after that spent olmoz whole day at home do assign..no time for celelbration..iaks~ keke…but I’m weli weli happy that although I got no time to celebrate..but I’ felt so happy that my hp sms tone ring quite lots..i’m so glad that all my fren “sms”ed me n wished me=)..anyway..not to forget to mention, I really appreciate n very thkful to these 3 gals..these 3 gals had did something I can’t forget n I felt so touching n warmed..really apreaciate frm the bottom of my heart…..A ,JSL ,S…..especially to A~!!..really thz to u , u and u ~!!! Thz~!!!
*special thz to JSL..although we haven;t met up for 2 yrs but i really appreaciate it~!!*
Anyway…My birthday wish is really wish for world peace..cz earthquake jz happened in indo whn it reached 29th ‘s 12am..i’m pretty sad this kinda things happen in my big day..so really hope for world peace n everyone shall be blessed..
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