labor day
i felt myself like having a sick inside me..i serously duno wat happen to me..i really can sleep anytime if i jz lie down no mater where in 15 minits time..seriously..i nowdays olmoz havta sleeep olmoz 12 hrs a day to retain my conciousness..but today..i'm quite amazing..ya..i woke up at 0730am for my futbal match..guess wat..unexpectedly..this match had totally took olmoz de whole day for me to regain my consiousness..i went back home at 1030am..thn i slept on da floor 1st..thn i woke up in 2 hr time..thn i crawl to de sofa n sleep for 4 hrs again..mama scolded me stil haven't bath n sleep on da 1der she is mad body full of mud...iaks..dirty!! i normaly not like tht..ok? keke..thn i took a bath..thn papa home n brought us out makan..incrediblely, i slept in de car whole journey..afta dinner..went back home..woO~!! i'm still tht tired..brushed my teeth n went to 1030pm..n i slept till de nex day 11am..oh this a record setting for me? how many hrs i had slept...gOsh~! what a labor day off to me..realyl fully utilize the meaning of this day..haha~
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