The Kids Aren't Alright..
As usual after college, I will go down to the park below my place, either play basketball or gathering with my basketball mates or football with the kids. Is so happen tht I was in a cycling mood, so I jz ask for a bicycle frm a kid while he’s playin basketball. woO~hoOO~~~ although the bicycle looks bit small but really enjoy it. I really like bicycle riding, the weird habit of mine is I got my own bike, my Mongoose, a racer bike, but I dun cycle mine, I like cycle others. Haha~
G0sh~! I really duno weather is I’m too heavy for tht bike or wat, the petal drop off middle of the way whn I’m cyclin. Aiks~!! Wat to do..i push back tht frm a damn long way, almost KM back to tht park. What to do, I went back to the park shw tht kid how “badly” was his bike thn I took it to Bike Pro n fix it. Oh man, it was not my day. Anyway, it was oso my 1st time fetchin a bicycle as a passenger in my car. Ahaha~ great “unlucky” experience. Anyway, the problem of the bike is dropping a nut out, g0sh, they charge me for tht nut!! My gOd..really unwilling to pay for tht stupid nut. Afta fixin, I fetch it back. Hahah..i tell the kid better take a few ride while it’s under warranty frm me till tonite. Hahaa..ewelione jz laugh at me, cz I’m “overweight” for tht bike, tht’s y the petal went out. Ahaha~anyway, lucky for me tht the kid didn’t mad or blame on me. He was juz smiling there onli..nice~!! =)
Anyway, my cycling mood was jz screw by tht incident. Keke~ I went to another side of the park. Those kids seriously aren’t alright..they really dun mind playin wif “veteran” like us..they jz like to call me for football although I usually basketball there.Oone of the kid jz yell n me n challenging me , “Van de Sar, not playing football 2day?!” hahaah..tht name was named by the kids cz I olwaz be goal keeper whn I playin with them, sumore our goal post is tht monkey bar which is “shorter” thn me. Nowdays kids a re so adring to yell at “adults” like this. I remember whn I was a kids I not tht daring..Ahaha..therefore i “hate it” whn kid challenging me play football. Without thoughts I ran back n change up n took my boot along. Hahaha~
ahaah..seriously it was a weli weird scene there cz I’m the onli tall fella while all de kid’s height dun even reach my shoulder. Ahaha~ playing with those kid, look at their naïve and innocent laughin, I jz felt happy n relaz n release all the stress I had whole day. Haha..therfore playin with thm, I felt more younger cz average age there, I jz become I’m 15!! Ahahaha.. anyway, I looking forward to play wif thm again in the future..keke…hope they dun mind still playing this “veteran”..hahah~ way the go!! Kids!!

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