21600 seconds of break..
As usual went in late class for bout 30 minutes, as usual as I predicted tht Miss AV (as we named our lecture) will show her “frustration” look to me. WoO..same case happen as she staring at me but there few words left on the board. It’s written something like tht “ I got no voice today, today’s task complete the tutorial questions and hand up as attendance” . g0sh~ how pity was her, no wonder she cancel all the class on Tuesday!! But thn, once I saw those words on the board, without thinking I just leave de classroom. Cause as a “senior”, I knw wat I suppose to do if see this condition. Hahaha~
My prediction was right, Miss AV really made tht tutorial as homework and no attendance was taken.hahah~ me smart ass!! But Oh g0sh! Now is the main problem I gonna fast eweli Thursday!! Nx class of mine will be at 0430pm!! My GoD!! 4 n half hrs break!! Furthermore I came out early for Miss AV class, is just 1045 whn I came out. oH man~!! Anyway, the only thing I can do is loitering around college. Seriously our college really sucks! I jz felt like I’m left in de abandoned premise. There no much ppl around furthermore chicks!! Really havta admit tht none of my ppl in my college ppl’s look..really can “look” .I felt myself really inside the game, Resident Evil, which only zombies around me. Or another word, I felt myself bumped into a lost park which called Jurassic Park actually, velociraptors wearing D&G (Dinosaur and Godzilla) t-shirts around. Sad~sad~sad..main block of HELP really hopeless. HELPless HELP really needs HELP from the public to HELP them from HELPless. Tolong~tolong~!!
My fren, raja juz bumped into our lecture which is tht 0430 class lescture. He ask tht lec weather de class is on. Guess wat! The lecture answered “Maybe?” Oh man..means is de class on or not?! Cz is just onli 12pm whn my fren ask him. 4 n half breaks le, dun play play!! I got do lots things le, example, if watch tvb series oso can watch 4 to 5 episodes le!! Therefore I oso havta contact my fellow brother, ahSai to tell weather come not. As we we’ re disccussin weather we’re goin for tht class not. AhSai jz came. Oh ya, I baru realise we havta meet our Vella B for our project meeting which we oredi miss it on Monday. Sigh~ same problem, Vella B was out again for days already. We still can’t manage to propose our project to him. Sigh~
Anyway 4 hrs break, normally what we start up with this break, we usually did as we used to, go Ali Maju eat our lunch without paying as we used to do it almost everyday. AgH~!! Is just onli 0130pm after eating, what to do, mid valley~! as we usually did again, we havta go mid valley gain our PHD for TC3 !! me n sai was totally fascinated no matter the graphics and de excitement of the game!! Damn STEAM~!!! Ahahaha~ eweli1 should giv a try on this game!! After few rounds battling with the villains in TC3, we get ourself too exhausted cz the gun aiming was totally out. We havta use cock eye n play. Aiks, eyes olmoz cannot “separate” again. Haha~
Time just passed tht slow to us…..g0sh~!!
Oh please, Oh please, HELP coordinators~ please do something , I really cannot stand it with 4 n half hrs break!! DO SOMETHING!!! =)

sitting alone there doing nothing but taking foto

ahSai, Degree holder for TC2, aiming for Master or PhD for TC3.
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