Lack of Senses of Humor, miss lecture!!
It’s just one of those days when u wake up tht day, u jz dun feel like doin anything, not even felt like brushing ya teeth, not even mentioning goin college. Nowadays go college can be said is like a such a long journey to me, is just like journey to the west (xi you ji) to me. Cause I start taking bus n lrt to college. G0shh~ such a tiring journey to here n back. This even makes me got more motivation to rather staying at home only. Anyway, I still went to college today with tht unwilling mood to do so. Pity~!
Reached college bout almost 2pm, lecture jz went in so do i. Choosing a side seat n sittin alone there. Not for while, a lazy jerk came in. same categorized characteristic like me, we are the lazy jerks. Haha~ and so, the lecturing starts. Oh man~~seriously, I’m not prejudice my lecture. The whole class, I think onli the front row student listen to her other thn tht, ppl who got laptop, play laptop, got novel, read novel, got hp or disc man, sms or play de game or listening radio or mp3. The ironically is, our class top student, I thought he will be concentrating, I saw him went out n I thought he went toilet, guess what, he didn’t came back. I saw him playing chess with his fren at the DSA. Haahha..mayB he’s smart n prepared for exam already. Ahaha~
Poor lecture, I can c her effort trying teach us till understand. She really did her job well. Is just tht..haha..we jz like dun feel like listen. mayB she’s too serious while teachin, no sense of humor, makes the class look so bored. No wonder my hardworking pet sista also cabut from this class la, giving up this subject, haha~ bravo!!bravo!!
Luckily it was just 2 hrs class onli, I manage to get myself a ride frm Joshua to the mid valley. I havta get this coming Friday’s movie ticket for “ladder 49” which I really waited long to watch. Seriously, this is really become a shadow to since I can’t even get two tickets for a Monday movie. Haha~ so I mz really get tickets few days early to secure my seat. I memang a freak~!! Anyway, John Travolta, one of my favor actor who acted in broken arrow, face off, swordfish, all are my favorite movies of all time. I guess “ladder 49” won’t let me down like tht so called “horror” movie did. Miserable~~!!

lazy jerk who pretended he was paying attention in the class
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