The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
It was so happen I suddenly got tht mood to get myself a DVD today cz I went with my mom, aunt n my cute cousin, what ever I buy today will be under my mom’s, nice~! But then it was so unlucky n unbelievable that I can’t manage to get myself anything, g0sh~! I was so pissed!! I wanted to get myself a new pair of shoes but guess what no size!! Therefore I was so pisssed tht for months I didn’t get myself a DVD in my DVD collection, once I buy, cannot watch!! Basket!! Actually I saw “new police story” DVD, I went in de DVD shop n get one. For safety, I test it before, great condition! I can’t wait to watch it whn get home. Duno y n duno how, I suddenly read the special features info behind tht DVD, I realize it’s mandarin version!! Oh man, how I can watch it, can u imagine Daniel wu said “ wo shi hen tao yan ni men zhe xie jing zha de ren!!”. How can I watch it?! Anyway, went back to the shop, thinking of refund, is impossible to do so. So, I forced myself to replace with another DVD. Sometimes right, when u dun have the money to buy anything, u will find tht u got lots things wanted to buy; but once, u got tht opportunity, is weli hard get a suitable things u want. I cannot believe after 30 minutes of choosing another DVD. I finally found this DVD, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Yes!! I wanted to watch this movie very long ago. I think it’s banned in Malaysia, how stupid! This movie attracts me the most is because it’s inspired by a true story! I heard what my mate, Bok said the chainsaw wielding maniac cut body parts, ppl treated like slaughtered pigs and preserved with salt!! Oh man~!! It’s all really happen in the past in Texas!! At the end of the show got real footage of the incident, I can’t wait to watch it!
Thought I can get myself some comfort cz I oredi very pissed of can’t get myself a new nike. Reached n tried tht DVD, oh man..i can’t watch tht DVD!! Once I put it in my player, it was like helicopter sound whn de player load it!! Thn I checked the back. was scratches until it’s like u stick tht DVD at the tire there n drive ya car in seremban highway with de speed of 120km/h, basket ah!! Sigh..i need to go back to exchange back tomorrow again or else they won’t admit tht purchase. Sad case~ but hopefully this DVD I bought won’t let me down cz I put so much “effort” to get it. Kekeke~=)

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