Song Of the Day...

Today duno why, my mama, duno wat happen to her. I think might be she got working stress. Suddenly she just come in my room n she just sang her version of jay latest song, “Qu Li Xiang” to us, while me n bro were doing some “research” stuff in fantasy league, is so happen tht time we were listenin tht song oso. was funny her way using jay style singing it.
Haha~ yeap..tht’s my mama, knws how to sing her way of jay’s song, unique..rite? This is maybe big influence by us cz once we just bought this cd. We kept listening no matter where we are, in the room, in the car , even while watchin tv, got this song’s mtv. Hahah..therefore my mama is also a very “3” “8” person le. She’s being so curious wanted to know what the hell jay is singing without lookin at lyrics, cz jay’s unique way of pronunciations of singing, u really havta look at de lyrics u onli knw wat is he singing. Hahaha~ mama~mama~ please dun do any stupid things again ne~ just be wat a mama suppose to do as a mama. Hahaha~~anyway…mom’s jay song singing was really cute!!
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